Halloween is just around the corner! I hope everyone is looking forward to trick-or-treating as much as the little ones! I love to see all of the creative costumes parade down the street. Sometimes, however, the idea of going door-to-door with a little one whose language is limited can be overwhelming. To bring the fun back to the holiday, here are 5 tips for trick-or-treating with your little language learner!
Practice key phrases ahead of time so that you can go over any tricky sounds or stay away from those that are too difficult and may cause frustration. Some key phrases may include: - Trick or Treat - Happy Halloween! - I’m ___________ (insert name of costume) -Thank you
Find a balance in your expectations. While you want to give your child as many opportunities to talk as possible, you also don’t want them to feel frustrated or overwhelmed. Offer to take turns speaking or speak in unison with your practiced phrases.
Let you child know what to expect. While your child may have done this before, it may be a hazy memory in his or her young mind. The uncertainty of what is going to happen can sometimes cause anxiety. Prepare your child by talking about where you may walk, what types of costumes you may see, and what to do when interacting with unfamiliar faces.
Model simple sentences by talking about what you see and do as you walk around. “Scary ghost,” “put candy in,” and “mommy pulls the wagon” are all great ways to model sentences that you’d like your little one to imitate.
Ask questions when you get home by discussing what happened along your journey. For example, “What did you get?” “Who was your friend Timmy dressed as?” and “Where should we put all of our candy now?”
I hope these tips can help your little trick-or-treater to feel more confident and independent with communication this Halloween! Tell me in the comments below what your little one will be for Halloween this year.
Have a fun and safe night everyone!